Roundtable – Virtual Reality and Recruiting? It’s a Thing

Today we ask- are you able to do a video call? According to our next featured guest we will soon be asking do you have an avatar?  Matt Burns, Founder & Chief Innovation Officer, BentoHR joins the Roundtable to discuss the role virtual reality is playing and will be playing in recruiting. If you think this is years away– you’ll be surprised!

  1. What role(s) can virtual reality play in the recruitment process?

  2. Why is virtual reality seen by many as the ‘next generation’ of digital transformation technologies?

  3. What use cases are most-compelling for virtual reality

  4. What can recruiters do today to prepare their organizations and themselves for this innovation?

As always- no sales pitches. No boring presentations. Just good conversation


Matt transforms organizations. He previously led a group recognized in 2018 as the ‘Canadian HR Team of the Year – Retail / Hospitality’, on the heels of their 2017 award for: ‘Most Innovative Use of HR Technology’.

Today as Founder & Chief Innovation at BentoHR, Matt simplifies digital transformation; leveraging technology and analytics to make organizations more human-centric.