Category: Recruitment

Mission Possible: How AmeriHealth Caritas is Delivering a High Touch Candidate Experience While Recruiting at Scale


Hiring for empathy, with empathy, while still remaining operationally efficient is tough for any talent function to master. Bill Musman, VP of Talent Acquisition at AmeriHealth Caritas, shares his ideas for recruiting passionately while steering a mission-driven organization at full speed. AmeriHealth Caritas, a managed care organization of six million members, provides health coverage to vulnerable… Read more »

Beyond the Template, Beyond the Resume

There is a common sentiment among talent acquisition professionals when it comes to candidate outreach and engagement: personalization is key. Templates, old methodologies and automated messages come across as dull and lazy. Recruiters are already getting a bad rap so why are so many still using outdated techniques for communications? It’s time to move past… Read more »

Are You Ready to Re-Imagine Recruiting?

While we are all still wrapping our heads around the impact social distancing has had on every facet of life we now need to start planning for “undistancing” ourselves. Weeks ago, those of us in HR and recruiting were focused on hiring in a job seekers world. Now, we are facing hiring in a Covid… Read more »