Category: Native Apply

What is Native Apply?

What Is Native Apply? In tech slang, the word “native” describes an application or program that’s written in a language specific to the platform on which it runs. For instance, some apps are written specifically for Android phones, some are written to run on iOS, Windows, Linux … you get the idea. The big benefit… Read more »

Is Your Application Process Generating Leads, Not Applicants?

If you clicked through to read this blog post, you likely had at least a small suspicion that, at your company, your apply process isn’t delivering to the level you need it to. Maybe you’re not getting the volume of candidates you need, even though the job is top-notch and so is your advertisement strategy…. Read more »

5 Ways to Use Easy Apply and Ensure EEO Compliance

Let’s face it, unemployment is back to near all-time lows – 3.6% unemployment and over 11 million open roles – that’s nearly 2 open roles per available worker. If that isn’t enough, according to Appcast, your conversion rate (the number of clicks to get an application) is going down, while click prices are going up…. Read more »

Are You Ready to Re-Imagine Recruiting?

While we are all still wrapping our heads around the impact social distancing has had on every facet of life we now need to start planning for “undistancing” ourselves. Weeks ago, those of us in HR and recruiting were focused on hiring in a job seekers world. Now, we are facing hiring in a Covid… Read more »

A Tale of Two…

This week we found ourselves at a crossroads… hunker down or double down.  Like many other businesses, we participated in a number of the webinars that spun up last week on crisis management, brand marketing, sales and overall managing in these new times.  The most interesting discussion was listening to decision makers as they described… Read more »

Candidates Not Clicks: The Top Reasons Why A Native Apply Experience Matters

Simplified Apply Process Decreases Cost Per Application Native Apply tools reduce the friction by leveraging already stored candidate contact information and resume. By combining stored data with custom questions and/or a hosted application the candidate provides a complete application in the least number of steps.  This increases qualified completed applies. Simply stated by increasing the… Read more »

5 Strategies For Getting The Most Out of Your Job Ad Spend

Why Do Companies Lose Money On Job Ads? Before diving into how companies stretch their job ad spend, it is important to understand why they lose money in the first place. The most common reason companies lose money on job ads is inefficiency. Just like any other strategy, job ads must be researched, analyzed and… Read more »

The 5 Best Benefits of Recruitment Automation

Many companies use recruitment automation to improve the functionality of their hiring process. Recruitment automation is made possible by a variety of  technology that works together to streamline components of the hiring process. Some of the most popular components of recruitment automation include: Online and Social Job Advertisements Candidate Screening Candidate Assessments Interview Scheduling Candidate… Read more »

How To Get The Information You Need From Native Apply Candidates

Custom Questions Gather Important Candidate Information When a candidate uses the Native Apply option to apply for a job, information is automatically sent to the employer directly from the platform.  Common Native apply tools are Indeed Apply and LinkedIn Apply. Many of these tools forward the candidate’s resume to a designated email address. On Facebook… Read more »