Category: HR Need To Know

Which Comes First, the Tool or the Process?


  Good tools are everywhere in talent acquisition. While it’s foolish or even dangerous to fix a broken process with more technology, you can fix broken technology with better technology—as long as the process is solid. Whenever there’s a problem in the talent acquisition (TA) process, you’ll hear the following debate play out: “We can’t… Read more »

Data: It’s Not a Dirty Word in Talent Acquisition!


    The recruitment process is a treasure trove of data. Mined carefully, it can tell you all sorts of things about the candidates you’re hiring, declining, and losing and shed light on the performance of your recruitment activities. It’s the difference between making weak decisions based on luck or intuition versus informed decisions backed… Read more »

Decoding the Art of Hiring: Leveraging Data for Operational Excellence and Ongoing Improvement


  To excel in hiring, recruiting teams must engage in a cyclical process of continually evaluating and leveraging data to refine their workflows, technology, and processes to reach optimal outcomes. Operational excellence in hiring isn’t a static destination, but a journey marked by perpetual small enhancements. Just as organizations focus on improving functions like sales… Read more »

Raising Your Return on Talent: Dr. Solange Charas Explains the Moves and Metrics That Matter


Dr. Solange Charas, human capital consulting expert and the Founder of HCMoneyball, explains the importance of good human capital management and why practitioners must join the dots between their talent initiatives and the company’s financial performance to get the ultimate ROI from their human capital investments. Human capital management is about maximizing the potential and… Read more »

How to Turn HCROI into Action


  While Human Capital Return on Investment measures the aggregated success of your talent acquisition and workforce management efforts, it doesn’t explicitly guide you on where to focus future spending. Here’s how to select the initiatives to give you a long-term performance edge. In part one of this two-part series, we discussed the benefits of… Read more »

Human Capital ROI: Can You Make the Link Between Your People and Your Business Outcomes?


Most traditional talent acquisition and human resources performance metrics, such as cost per hire and turnover rate, don’t predict organizational performance. So, what metrics should you track to truly quantify the impact of your talent initiatives? There’s an interesting conundrum developing in the recruitment, retention, and development of talent. Companies have been actively promoting the… Read more »

Recruiting Metrics to Measure When You’re Hiring for Mission Fit

All organizations want an accelerated hiring process to deliver high-quality talent faster. However, prioritizing speed and efficiency above all else can often counter an organization’s mission, especially if that mission demands a more nuanced, candidate-centered approach. Let’s say you have to choose between two applicants for a job. The first applicant truly understands what your… Read more »