Category: Blog

Employer Brand: Content, Culture, and Creativity

Content, Culture, and Creativity Joel Lalgee of HireWell joined us to talk about the unique blend and benefits of activating your employer brand through your people, your literal brand ambassadors. He dove into the do’s, the don’ts, the successes, and the failures. As always, we had our mics and cameras on, so tune in and… Read more »

Getting to the Root of Your Employer Branding and Culture

Joel Lalgee

Getting to the Root of Your Employer Branding and Culture Your talent team does more than just hire people. You have more than likely heard of the phrase, ‘the face of your brand’ and your recruiters are just that. So how do you define who you are to your candidates? In every interaction, recruiters have… Read more »

Press Release: New Research from JobSync and Talent Board

Excerpt from the full press release on SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — JobSync, creators of the first-ever Talent Acquisition Automation Platform (TAAP), and Talent Board, a nonprofit candidate experience benchmark research organization, today released their joint research report, Are Recruiting Technologies Delivering on Their Promise and Potential? Based on a global survey… Read more »

Making Your Own Success in Recruiting

Making Your Own Success in Recruiting ​ Do you find yourself ‘supporting’ your hiring managers, candidates, leaders, and everyone else in the organization? Do you often think you are too busy being reactive, to be proactive? Amy Miller, Owner of Recruiting in Yoga Pants and former recruiter at Google and Microsoft joined our roundtable to… Read more »

How to Make Your Job Post Stand Out

Your job posts are like billboards for your company. So what can you do to stand out? When I was consulting HR Tech companies about social media strategies I always made the joke, “Why does Cookie Monster love web pages more than billboards? Because web pages have cookies!” It got the occasional laugh, and even… Read more »

Candidate Communication – Being Creative in Your Outreach

It’s the heat of August, the last days of summer, and Vanessa Raath, in her peak of winter (coming to us all the way from South Africa) joined us to talk about talking, what to say and more importantly how to say it to get candidates to engage. This talent shortage isn’t going away any… Read more »

Experience or Potential – Hiring for Soft Skills

When you’re building teams, you have an idea of the kind of people you want and a list of skills they can bring to the table. Oftentimes, recruiting teams focus on level of experience instead of level of skill. It’s important to remember that depending on your need at the time, experience might not always… Read more »

5 Ways to Use Easy Apply and Ensure EEO Compliance

Let’s face it, unemployment is back to near all-time lows – 3.6% unemployment and over 11 million open roles – that’s nearly 2 open roles per available worker. If that isn’t enough, according to Appcast, your conversion rate (the number of clicks to get an application) is going down, while click prices are going up…. Read more »

Beyond the Template, Beyond the Resume

There is a common sentiment among talent acquisition professionals when it comes to candidate outreach and engagement: personalization is key. Templates, old methodologies and automated messages come across as dull and lazy. Recruiters are already getting a bad rap so why are so many still using outdated techniques for communications? It’s time to move past… Read more »