Category: Blog

Roundtable – The Data Is In: The Covid Impact On Job Listings Join JobSync as we talk with Cary Sparrow, Chief Executive Officer at Greenwich.HR, about how job listings have been impacted in the last three months and how you can leverage this data to give yourself a recruiting advantage in this new Covid hiring world.  We look at current job listing data trends and how… Read more »

Roundtable – Leveraging Facebook Organic in a Covid World for Recruitment

Join JobSync as we talk with Alexandra Anema, Social Media Director at Bayard Advertising, about how she is leveraging Facebook organic in this new Covid hiring world. We talk real world examples, how companies needing to scale hiring are making Facebook their second source of hires and how companies with hard to fill positions are… Read more »

Are You Ready to Re-Imagine Recruiting?

While we are all still wrapping our heads around the impact social distancing has had on every facet of life we now need to start planning for “undistancing” ourselves. Weeks ago, those of us in HR and recruiting were focused on hiring in a job seekers world. Now, we are facing hiring in a Covid… Read more »