Category: Blog

Roundtable – The Automated Recruiter

Are you ready? The automated recruiter is here. Over the next few years the recruiting function is going to change and you are going to need to change with it so says Futurist and founder and chairman of the Future of Talent Institute, Kevin Wheeler and JobSync Recruitment Roundtable featured guest. For more than 25… Read more »

Are You Sourcing From The Largest Talent Pool?

If you aren’t sourcing women specifically then you are missing out on the largest talent pool especially women returning to the workforce.  Our next featured guests would also argue that you need a Fairygodboss. Yes, a Fairygodboss- someone who elevates women at work. And we are going to have three of them joining us to… Read more »

Be A Glass Shattering Organization

Before the pandemic the workplace for women was still a challenge.  Women making less than men, harassment in the workplace and the ever present glass ceiling. Now throw in a global pandemic, economic downturn and guess what? The glass ceiling is even thicker and women are being forced to leave the workplace in droves.  According… Read more »

Roundtable – Most Uncomfortable HR Conversation You Will Have This Year

This week’s featured guests are Julie Sowash, Executive Director, Disability Solutions II Co-Host, Crazy and The King Podcast and Torin Ellis, Principal, Torin Ellis Brand Co-Host, Crazy and The King Podcast.  Are you ready?  Are you ready to go there?  They are.  And, they are bringing the most uncomfortable HR conversation you will have this… Read more »

Roundtable – How to Build Your HR Tech Stack with Candidate Experience in Mind

Communication is everything!  So says our next guest Craig Fisher, Startup CEO and Employer Brand Strategy Founder at TalentNet Media. Communication is also at the core of a great candidate experience. Craig is going to walk everyone through how to build your HR Tech stack with candidate experience in mind. He’ll discuss how to avoid “scary… Read more »

The Implicit Bias Challenge

If you were a kid growing up in the ‘80s during the height of the cola wars, chances are you remember the Pepsi challenge. For those of you who may not be familiar, Pepsi went out and set up tables in public areas, covered the soda cans and asked people to pick which one they… Read more »

Roundtable – What’s On Gerry’s Mind

We are excited to have Gerry Crispin join us at the JobSync Recruitment Marketing Roundtable.  For those of you who may not be familiar with Gerry he is the founder of CareerXroads, a life-long student of Staffing and an author of countless articles and whitepapers on the evolution of staffing during a career in HR leadership that spans more than 40 years…. Read more »

Roundtable – How to Become a Recruitment Marketer

  This week we are going to focus on how to become a Recruitment Marketer with one of the leaders in Recruitment Marketing, Lori Sylvia Founder & CEO – Rally Recruitment Marketing and former Chief Marketing Officer of SmashFly Technologies.  We’ll cover the basics of Recruitment Marketing- how to tell a companies story in a way that… Read more »

Roundtable – Evolution of Video In TA

We have all seen the 2 minute overview videos of an organization. That’s where it all started but, today we are using video communication much like we use email. This year in many cases video has replaced in person meetings in the hiring process. Now that video is an essential communication tool it is time… Read more »

Roundtable – How to Navigate the Talent Acquisition Ecosystem

There are over 500 companies in the Talent Acquisition Ecosystem and with the ever present need to automate processes what is the best way to navigate the Ecosystem?  Join us at the JobSync Recruitment Marketing Roundtable this week as we talk with Jonathan Kestenbaum, Co-Founder & Managing Director of Talent Tech Labs as he gives us… Read more »