Category: Blog

Google for Jobs Made a Change. Indeed, “Hold my beer”

On the heels of the Google for Jobs change, where Google has thrown down the gauntlet to remove barriers to get a person who has an interest in a job to the application process – Indeed has countered by throwing up a new “feature”. This feature forces all potential candidates to register with Indeed –… Read more »

The Great Migration?

Are companies that didn’t treat their employees well over the last 12 months during the pandemic, going to be held accountable? What will be the possible fallout? Here we take a step backward to look forward and also look at some companies that seem to be getting it right and what they are doing to… Read more »

Roundtable – Hiring Manager Intakes

  Hiring manager intake is a critical moment where talent teams can build trust or lose it. How do you assure hiring manager intake gets you the intel you really need to make the right hire? If you’re not sure, this roundtable is for you. Join Kristina Minyard, founder of HRecruit LLC, and Katrina Kibben, CEO Three Ears… Read more »

Roundtable – Take a Laugh Break

So how do we push through? We laugh. Yes. Laugh. This week on the Roundtable we will be joined by Global HR Leader, Victor Assad CEO, Victor Assad Strategic HR Consulting, Managing Partner of InnovationOne, and the author of Hack Recruiting and Comedian Kari Assad to talk about the importance of managing stress and how we can use humor as a bridge from where... Read more »

The Impact of the New SEC Human Capital Management Disclosure Requirements on Talent Acquisition

Recently the The Securities and Exchange Commission has changed their disclosure requirements to include a new requirement that public companies disclose information about “human capital resources.” Overall there is a greater desire for transparency in workforce management and an understanding of the relationship between workforce management and bottom line growth. This includes disclosing information regarding… Read more »

Roundtable – The Talent War Is Here

This week on the JobSync Recruitment Marketing Roundtable we are focusing on what some say will be a Talent War this summer and how you can prepare according to our next guests, Michael Sarraille and George Randle, with having a Talent Mindset. Some are predicting this summer to be one of the most challenging moments to hire in… Read more »

Roundtable – Bringing the Human to Recruitment Marketing

Genuine connections are the way to engage people with your employer brand to create a positive experience according to Mitch Gerson, Principal at The Gerson Agency and one of our next featured guests. Mitch is an award winning marketer and will be sharing his perspective on the importance of the human element in recruitment marketing. “People are craving… Read more »

Roundtable – Virtual Reality and Recruiting? It’s a Thing

Today we ask- are you able to do a video call? According to our next featured guest we will soon be asking do you have an avatar?  Matt Burns, Founder & Chief Innovation Officer, BentoHR joins the Roundtable to discuss the role virtual reality is playing and will be playing in recruiting. If you think this is years away–… Read more »